Gaasperplas in Amsterdam



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🕗 openingstijden

1001, Valburgdreef, 1108 AW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 1111
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3026756, Longitude: 4.9971892

opmerkingen 5

  • Melissa Zaal

    Melissa Zaal


    The best place to start your day or to find yourself when upset and confused. Great wildlife. Fantastic view and photo opportunities. Pity for the summer festivals that spoils the park and ruined the peace. But apparently the monetary reward is more important. I only wish the Zuidoost gemeente would use the money to look after the park.

  • nl

    alexander schouten


    Mooie wandelpaden aan een rustig water.

  • nl

    mella B


    Grote parkeerplaats en de ple ziet er netjes uit!!

  • Sheila S

    Sheila S


    Heerlijk uitwaaien, voor de hond is er ook speciaal een hondenstrand.

  • Kristina Nyberg

    Kristina Nyberg


    Like an oasis in the otherwise rough AMS Zuidoost. I lived next to this lake for years and loved it. Camping is possible, you can take a short run around the lake (about 3 km), bring your dog (loads of others do), have a barbecue, do horse back riding nearby, take a swim (small beach). There is a hotel next to the metro stop, about 5 min walk from the lake if you want more comfort than a tent. A canoe club and various boats also indicate there are more possibilities.

Natuurlijke eigenschap in de buurt

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