g’ in west: food/store in Amsterdam

Nederlandg’ in west: food/store



🕗 openingstijden

76, Jan Pieter Heijestraat, 1053 GS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 337 8213
website: g-in-west.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3641585, Longitude: 4.8629246

opmerkingen 5

  • Brooklyn Bunch

    Brooklyn Bunch


    Not a big fan of gluten free foods

  • Katy Williams

    Katy Williams


    Amazing GF cafe and store. Super chill vibes.

  • Paula Leyenda

    Paula Leyenda


    Amazing place where EVERYTHING is gluten-free. A paradise for celiacs like me, who always have to struggle with finding a safe place to eat. The "toasties" and the "broodjes" were tasty (with the delicious bread baked by them and also available for take home). The chocolate cookie was delicious too, not too sweet. You can buy a wide range of gluten-free goods. Highly recommended for everybody!

  • Jason Modahl

    Jason Modahl


    We were hoping this store would be fantastic since we are a household where someone has Celiac. It definitely lived up to expectation. Lots of options for cereals, crackers, snacks, flours, and on and on. They also have fresh GF bread which is incredible. If you are in need of GF options then this is 100% the place for you - a don’t miss. They also have some cool vintage toys in the back that our daughter loves to go look at. Interesting side note: we were looking for GF and alcohol free beer recently (or at least wondering if it exists) and, much to our surprise, they had some!

  • Menno Wolvers

    Menno Wolvers


    Great selection of gluten-free products. I found about 6 great gluten-free beers. Friendly and helpful personnel.

Gemakswinkel in de buurt

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