Foundation Leiden Shipping Company in Leiden

NederlandFoundation Leiden Shipping Company



🕗 openingstijden

5, Apothekersdijk, 2312 DC, Leiden, Leiden, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 71 528 2252
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.161216, Longitude: 4.485892

opmerkingen 5

  • Kim Salabim

    Kim Salabim


    Met de mooiste boten door de grachten van leiden. Zeker aan te raden

  • Eugenia Chernyaeva

    Eugenia Chernyaeva


    Very enjoyable boat tour around the city. Thank you.

  • Herbert Bergman

    Herbert Bergman


    Aanrader om eens een keer een rondvaart te doen.

  • Ria Endriana

    Ria Endriana


    Got to know more about Leiden. After having this boattrip, I found Leiden more beautiful than before.

  • Tristan Thaller

    Tristan Thaller


    Go there and enjoy!!! Here you get the best boat guidance of the whole city. The guides do not use headphones, they are really much more educated and very enthusiastic and child-friendly! They show you very interesting parts of the city that the others wouldn't have shown you... In addition they are cheaper than the others and give you free drinks like beer and wine while waiting! Just fantastic! We can highly recommend to go for a Sightseeing trip with this company!!! You have to try it!!!

Reisbureau in de buurt

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