Fort aan de Klop in Utrecht

NederlandFort aan de Klop



🕗 openingstijden

4, 1e Polderweg, 3563 MC, Utrecht, Utrecht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 30 266 0555
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.119571, Longitude: 5.088794

opmerkingen 5

  • Tom Wonders

    Tom Wonders


    Very nice looking place with great hospitality. Stayed in the group facilities for a few days and had a tasty Barbecue at the restaurant.

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    Ben H


    Visited 'Carnival De Klop'. Fun fair, food trucks, live music, workshops.

  • Dusan Evetovic

    Dusan Evetovic


    Great place for a day out. Very family-friendly.

  • Maarten van Schijndel

    Maarten van Schijndel


    This is a truly a magical place. It's an old, very peculiar WW1 bunker, hidden in the bush and surrounded by water. There are goats, a big field for kids to play on and a nice restaurant. You can even camp here and there's a rare bat colony in the bunker. A perfect place in the summer and it's close if you have a bike. It's located next to the old river Vecht, very popular amongst hikers and bikers. I never dined here, but the sandwiches and cakes are excellent.

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    Pieter Quist


    The place is very nice and the food is also very good. If you want you are able to give a party. If you just want to eat, you get 5 coins per person to get food. It is also a nice place to walk around and look at the building.

Kamperen in de buurt

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