Feyenoord Stadium in Rotterdam

NederlandFeyenoord Stadium


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

1, Van Zandvlietplein, 3077 AA, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 492 9444
website: www.feyenoord.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.8939035, Longitude: 4.5231354

opmerkingen 5

  • Nr M

    Nr M


    Brilliant time ... Excellent stadium and facilities for our orange code and assisted channels kick off

  • Channah Stark

    Channah Stark


    I would highly recommend tourist to take a tour through the stadium. It's also a good place for events with family and ofcourse! A good soccer game :)

  • yuri groenkan

    yuri groenkan


    I've been going to concerts in this stadium since the early 1980 I've seen Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi and lots of others great bands and artists playing there music. Always had a blast en the open air stadium gives a great atmosphere.

  • Johan Bolt

    Johan Bolt


    De Kuip is a unique stadium in the Netherlands. Visit a Feyenoord Rotterdam football match to experience one of the best football ambiances of the world. Take the tour of there is no game during your visit.

  • Charlie Kwak

    Charlie Kwak


    The best football club in the Netherlands plays in this most beautiful stadium. . Most loyal fans in the world. If you have an opportunity, grab it with both hands..

Stadion in de buurt

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