Expat & Property Management in Den Haag

NederlandExpat & Property Management



🕗 openingstijden

41A, Adriaan Pauwstraat, 2582 AP, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 338 9483
website: www.expatpropertymanagement.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.088942, Longitude: 4.277941

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Mariet Jaarsma


    Hele vriendelijke mensen en goede dienstverlening. Oprecht en eerlijk. Aanrader!

  • nl

    Tiemen van Willenswaard


  • Hongjia Wu

    Hongjia Wu


    Really, it lets me know the definition of "worst or nothing".

  • Andra Grants

    Andra Grants


    By far the WORST realty I have ever had the displeasure of working with. Charged us as well as the landlord (which now I'm learning is illegal) We loved our landlord and our apartment, but this agency caused problems for no reason. AND Even tho they charged us both couldn't even complete the services they said we paid for run don't walk away from these incompetent thieves

  • robbie vos

    robbie vos


    Rented a house through Expat & Property Management. When we moved in the house was filthy and had not been checked beforehand. We had to get a cleaning company to clean before moving in. While staying in the house we had several complaints with the landlord. We received no support or arbitration from Expat & Property Management. None of the issues were resolved. After moving out the landlord did not return our deposit to us. Again there was no assistance from Expat & Property Management to resolve the problem.

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