Eurolines in Duivendrecht




🕗 openingstijden

3, Stationsplein, 1115 BZ, Duivendrecht, Ouder-Amstel, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 88 076 1700
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3223052, Longitude: 4.935903

opmerkingen 5

  • Maria Victoria Otaño

    Maria Victoria Otaño


    Excelente atención y muy prolijo el lugar. Los precios de los pasajes son super accesibles pero hay q comprarlos por internet. Los buses son puntuales, comodos y limpios.

  • Amanda Freire

    Amanda Freire


    Tratamento dos funcionários péssimo.. . Mas da pra ficar ali até o ônibus chegar

  • Charlie Richmond

    Charlie Richmond


    The good reviews here are correct but patrons should be aware that this location is extremely isolated from restaurants, banks and literally all forms of normal commerce so you must arrive with any food and drink you might need for your trip as well as plenty of small change because there is no cash machine nearby except at the train/metro station which requires a card to enter. The waiting area has two vending machines with very limited offerings and the station staff provide limited change for paper money. The women's/disabled toilet was out of service when I was there recently and the first coach supplied sat for an hour and they decided it was broken at the time it was supposed to leave so we had to change coaches and left 20 minutes late. Finally, overnight coaches to the UK now sometimes travel via P&O ferries and French Doanes worked to rule for my trip, delaying the arrival at Victoria Station by 3 hours.

  • Kevin Teirbrood

    Kevin Teirbrood


    Vriendelijk geholpen . En heel duidelijk met info men kan hier tenminste lekker warm of droog op je bus wachten, heel makkelijk bereikbaar met openbaar vervoer

  • tr

    onur sert


    Şehrin dışında bir yerde 2 defa ulaşım aracı ile merkeze gidiliyor. Hollandalılar hiç yardımcı olmuyor. It is going to the center with 2 transportation means outside the city. The Dutch are not helping at all.

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