Eurolines in Amsterdam



geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

38A, Rokin, 1012 KT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 88 076 1700
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3713394, Longitude: 4.892424

opmerkingen 5

  • AA SS

    AA SS


    يوجد به حجز باصات لااوربا باسعار مقبوله ولاكن الانطلاق من موقع اخر يبعد عن محطه قطارات امستردام الرئسية تقريبا 1 كيلو بالقرب من ساحه الدام

  • Ang Cha

    Ang Cha


    Worst Experience ever !!! started my trip from Paris to Eindhoven (20/11/2017) at 9:00am and for some reason the driver near the boarders of Belgium stated that he will not continue his trip after continuous warning from passengers stating that they will call Eurolines offices if he continue tou use his mobile (without hands free - facebook). After staying in a gas station for almost 1 hour we continue our trip with the second driver which is almost unable to drive. Pressing the breaks like there is no tomorrow. Accelerating like hell honking to everyone ... Indicating which the correct way to drive. DONT GO ANYWHERE WITH EUROLINES! If you can avoid it .. avoid it!!!

  • saúl riip colmenar

    saúl riip colmenar


    The woman working there is awesome!!!!

  • Nitin Mehra

    Nitin Mehra



  • Aa Noval Ubaedillah

    Aa Noval Ubaedillah


    I book the ticket for online, but late to get my bus because the terminal so far away

Reisbureau in de buurt

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