Esso in Almere




🕗 openingstijden

10/01, Markerkant, 1300 BA, Almere, Almere, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 85 043 7612
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3858319, Longitude: 5.2169531

opmerkingen 5

  • Alexandar Nikolov

    Alexandar Nikolov


    Medium size gas station in a convenient location. It has many pumps, parking places for cars and air machine. There was no paper to wipe my windshield. Inside you will find fresh products and bakery. The staff is nice. The prices are one of the lowest in the area. On both sides of the station you will find local office of Hertz (the rental car company) and a bike shop. I recommend this gas station.

  • nl

    Maikel van der Eng


    Moet je flink sacherijnig zijn om hier te werken? Dames achter de balie zeer onvriendelijk tot tweemaal toe.

  • nl

    Eelco Hofstee


    Maar bij 1 van de tanks kun je direct betalen bij de overige moet je baar binnen erg jammer kost veel extra tijd

  • Chamaeleonidae White

    Chamaeleonidae White


    Neat fuel station good fuel prices. Great fresh breakfast and lunch products. Many type of baguettes possible. Croissants and pastries like : ā€œkaasbroodjeā€ and ā€œsaucijzenbroodjeā€ . Following can be ordered as bread siege/filling : tomato, lattice , french brie , cream chees , cumcumber , egg , filet american , gouda cheese , ham , salami , onions ,tuna salad , honey , pine nuts , meatloaf , surumi. They have a great coffee machine ! The chop has a lot of candy drinks and ice creams. Car products like engine oil , cool fluids etc. And they have cigarettes.

  • Jan Key

    Jan Key


    Je kan er tanken

Benzinestation in de buurt

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