Dutch Barber Academy in Rotterdam

NederlandDutch Barber Academy



🕗 openingstijden

149, Mariniersweg, 3011 NK, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 411 1315
website: www.kappersakademie.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9226519, Longitude: 4.4891209

opmerkingen 5

  • Saleh Dad

    Saleh Dad


    If you don't know how to speak Dutch, make sure to ask for an English-speaking barber or otherwise you are in trouble!

  • en

    Tom Lewis


    Great haircut! Kim did a great job and was really great. Thank you

  • Kan Wu

    Kan Wu


    Cheap but you have to take your chances. 10 euro for cutting. First time I came, though he did it so slowly that I almost fell asleep, I got my hair cut beautifully. But the second time was where it went all wrong. 3 people had come to touch my hair during the process. And in the end, I was asked to pay the bill before she had done her job. The worst haircut experience I have ever had. If you are going to an important interview, I wouldn't suggest you get your hair cut here.

  • Fadl



    My go-to place for a cheap haircut. Students are better hairdressers than most pros out there and really are motivated to excel. Everyone is somewhat friendly. A little noisy when busy but no big deal.

  • John Shebaya

    John Shebaya


    Pretty good haircut by students learning the trade. Prices are cheap and there is a teacher who monitors and checks their work. Make sure to reserve online

Haarverzorging in de buurt

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