Dr. Martens Store in Amsterdam

NederlandDr. Martens Store



🕗 openingstijden

16, Hartenstraat, 1016 CB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 229 5594
website: www.drmartens.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.372449, Longitude: 4.8860082

opmerkingen 5

  • Rebel Hearts Club

    Rebel Hearts Club


    Favourite place to get my new Docs! Staff are super helpful and really take the time to explain everything. They are very passionate about the brand and products they are selling and this shows! Will definitely visit again for a pair of winter boots :)

  • Jennifer Kueter

    Jennifer Kueter


    Such unhelpful rude staff. They were rolling their eyes and very bothered I asked them for a larger size. For some reason I thought that was their job. Four people working and not one helpful.

  • Bertine de Kramer

    Bertine de Kramer


    Love this store! :D

  • Stefan van R

    Stefan van R


    Not sure how everyone likes the staff. Was there today on October 3rd and the three girls were more interested in each other and their phone than serving customers. No wonder why people prefer online shopping if even the one thing retail can distinguish itself from is not spot on; the service. Waiting for me to put my face mask on was the only moment I had their attention

  • Sophie -

    Sophie -


    Loveliest staff! They really take the time to help you and explain everything. Will definitely return!

Schoenenwinkel in de buurt

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