Distortion Records in Amsterdam

NederlandDistortion Records



🕗 openingstijden

244, Westerstraat, 1015 MT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 627 0004
website: www.distortion.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3780559, Longitude: 4.8804367

opmerkingen 5

  • Harald Hehmann

    Harald Hehmann


    Etwas versteckter Plattenladen mit freundlichen Personal. Der Laden ist nicht gut sortiert, wer aber Zeit hat und gerne in Kisten stöbert, wird hier seine Freude haben. Der Inhaber fragte mich, was ich suche und konnte mir auf anhierb weiterhelfen. Alle Musikrichtungen waren hier vertreten.

  • en

    Peter Noble


    A goldmine for the vinyl junkie..hadnt realised it was so close tp where I'm staying. Today being RSD day I was on a mission to get Soft Cell Say hello wave goodbye/ Youth Concerto on had three copies and sold out..a friend did a search and found distortion records, what a surprise stacked to the rafters with vinyl. A little shocking but worth a visit..and they had one copy..so worth a vist and several hours looking

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    Howard Tang


    My favourite shop in Amsterdam. Amond is a great host and the place is perfect for those whose order is chaos.

  • Toni Clemente

    Toni Clemente


    Super tienda . Música de muy buena calidad , el trato excelente,

  • en

    Amy Gardiner


    This shop is a treasure cove. An organised mess hides some real gems! Staff are very helpful pointing you in the right direction. Highly Recommend!!

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