Dirk van den Broek in Amsterdam

NederlandDirk van den Broek



🕗 openingstijden

25, Marie Heinekenplein, 1072 MH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 313 4315
website: www.dirk.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3567781, Longitude: 4.892285

opmerkingen 5

  • Christopher Ehring

    Christopher Ehring


    Convenient located and good assortment. The store has recently been updated and is decent. Staff is very unfriendly and do not care about customers.

  • Oleg Kuzmin

    Oleg Kuzmin


    Big decent supermarket. They have nice discounts and big variety. You can buy alcohol, food, some stuff for home.

  • Tall Dane

    Tall Dane


    The last 2 times in this store I have been ‘randomly chosen’ by young, rude and unapologetic staff who consider people wearing backpacks thief’s. Avoid this store.

  • SuperPowerInMyHead



    Used to make a special effort to come here for the fresh groceries and polite staff. But not anymore. The rudeness of the staff just puts me off. There are now enough supermarkets nearby to shop elsewhere. The only polite person there is the security guard but to meet him you luckily don't have to go in:)

  • oi kenner

    oi kenner


    I used to love this Dirk and would go here when I lived in the area. I was in the area today so I decff up. As I left I was pushing the trolley towards the other trolleys and this employee (young lady, brown above shoulder length hair) walked past me (no distancing or anything) and rudely told me to put the trolley in the trolley bay (as I was) and continued to walk past me to have a chat with another employee who was leaning near the exit. No excuse me, no please, no thank you. Such a shame that manners don't mean anything anymore. I think ill shop elsewhere, where they don't speak to me like a toddler

Supermarkt in de buurt

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