Dikker & Thijs in Amsterdam

NederlandDikker & Thijs


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

444, Prinsengracht, 1017 KE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 620 1212
website: www.dikkerandthijshotelamsterdam.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.365009, Longitude: 4.883925

opmerkingen 5

  • Stephen Alfreds

    Stephen Alfreds


    A lovely and historical stop just outside the hustle and bustle of Central Amsterdam! The service is amazing and the rooms are great. The retro look is authentic.

  • G I

    G I


    A lovely small hotel, excellent customer service.

  • Ilana Valdman

    Ilana Valdman


    Absolutely amazing hotel! We stayed there for 5 nights and loved it! Our room was beautifully designed & furnished, it was specious, cosy and had everything we needed. The bathroom was huge! We stayed on the 5th floor and our big windows had an access to the rooftop, so it was like having our own small private balcony. And I guess you can’t ask for a more central location. We had every type of restaurant right outside, plus the beautiful canals and the tram. And the stuff was lovely! Super recommend hotel! Great value for money!

  • Dasha Rednikina

    Dasha Rednikina


    Good hotel. We payed a little bit more and stayed in comfort rooms (409) at the rooftop - atmosphere was amazing! But firstly we came there - room was very cold, so we had to spend night without the heat. Also we had to ask for simple utilities: bathrobes and slippers. I would prefer it was handed at the time we arrived. But staff was helpful and pleasant!

  • David Lundeen

    David Lundeen


    I stayed here for a couple days, and had a great time. The staff was friendly and helpful. I loved the breakfast as well. I highly recommend.

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