Design Hotel Jules in Heerhugowaard

NederlandDesign Hotel Jules


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🕗 openingstijden

2, Gildestraat, 1704 AG, Heerhugowaard, Heerhugowaard, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 72 574 4444
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.6686365, Longitude: 4.8172581

opmerkingen 5

  • Marcel Stam

    Marcel Stam


    Perfect eten en bediening.

  • en

    Tycho Scholtens


    Funky rooms with varying themes. Reception is friendly and helpful. Restaurant kitchen is only open till 21:00. Breakfast is reasonable but not great. However helpful staff again, lady made me a varied and great lunch box. Seems to attract mainly travelers / working folk although not completely sure.

  • en

    Miloslav Běl


    :) really strange place to stay... :) each room has its own story :D

  • nl

    Eric Hendrix


    Leuk hotel apart aangeklede kamers. Jammer van de te zachte matrassen

  • Alex Wood

    Alex Wood


    Clean friendly hotel, modern & stylish reception & restaurant. The rooms all have different themes, some of them end up looking quite odd. I've stayed in the Paris room which doesn't really resemble anything Parisian and I've also stayed in the New York room, which was nice and the Shanghai room, which was a bit seedy with the red drapes everywhere.

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