De Stadswal in Maastricht

NederlandDe Stadswal


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🕗 openingstijden

3A, Brusselsestraat, 6211 PA, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 6 43221301
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8496146, Longitude: 5.6855642

opmerkingen 5

  • Annick Standaert

    Annick Standaert


    Niets negatiefs op aan te merken. Wel basic, maar heel proper, rustig gelegen en toch midden in de stad, lekker ontbijt, super vriendelijke gastvrouw. Ideaal voor een citytrip. Top locatie, 5 min wandelen van t Vrijthof, alsook van de Hertogsingel waar je à 6€ per dag parkeert. Zeker een aanrader!

  • en

    Ahmed Hossam


    Its good for a person who wants a place to stay at only There is no breakfast No lunch No dinner Small rooms

  • nl

    Jos Feitsma


    Prima locatie, schoon en fijn hotelletje met aardige en behulpzame gastvrouw.

  • Davide Cognigni

    Davide Cognigni


    Elise is genuinely one of the most amazing people ever and will do anything to make you feel at home, even though it is just for a short while. Her heartfelt kindness in combination to her "humour" ( :) ) will make your stay a memorable experience. The rooms are awesome ( goes without saying really ) and so are her breakfasts. I would recommend you to order her omelette with bacon. There is a delightful garden at the back of the b & b which during summer is simply splendid. She will most certainly help you find your way around Maastricht and is always available when you need her. The hospitality is prime and so is the location of the b & b, situated in the very centre of the city. This place is wonderful. Merci Elise !!

  • Aaron Ciuffo

    Aaron Ciuffo


    A very pleasant apartment with a friendly host. The location is great, just a minute from the lovely center. The windows are well insulated to keep out the street noise. There is bike storage available as well.

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