De Pijp in Amsterdam

NederlandDe Pijp


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

1072 TH Amsterdam, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3531485, Longitude: 4.890969

opmerkingen 5

  • George Field

    George Field


    Very deep, narrow, and very modern metro station where the platforms are stacked atop each other. There are escalators and lifts to help you get up and down. There's not much inside the station itself, but it's location means there are plenty of amenities very close by. Only a single line runs through this stop, connecting Amsterdam Zuid with the central station.

  • Andrew Kan

    Andrew Kan


    Very modern and clean metro station for M52 which can bring you to the city centre and north in only a few minutes. The metro cars are also new and clean. This station is very convenient for the Albert Cuyp Market. There are long elevators to the platform, but elevators are also available.

  • Ankit Agrawal

    Ankit Agrawal


    Great subway with direct opening to a very happening street, it opens up to the Albert Cuyp market and surrounding area is also active. The subway has only one service available as of now, that is 52. So you might have to change metros to reach this place but that isn't too difficult.

  • Tiomackie



    Pride Amsterdam 2019 The theme of Pride Amsterdam 2019 is ‘Remember the past, create the future’. “This year we are commemorating the Stonewall riots, which broke out in New York 50 years ago and form a decisive moment in the history of the LGBT movement.

  • Hermes van Amstel

    Hermes van Amstel


    Great to have the North-South subway line M52 up and running! Very quick transit from Central Station to the heart of the Pijp (there is an exit at the Albert Cuyp market). Very deep underground station with endless escalators.

Metrostation in de buurt

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