De Logerie in Enkhuizen

NederlandDe Logerie


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🕗 openingstijden

46E, De Gouw, 1602 DN, Enkhuizen, Enkhuizen, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 6 44296713
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.7091969, Longitude: 5.2592147

opmerkingen 5

  • tammytoy stroosnijder

    tammytoy stroosnijder


  • ru

    Яна Попиль


    ВВ-отелик. Душевно, чисто, уютно, тихо. По приезду поздно вечером нас ждал чай с домашним яблочным пирогом- презент от хозяйки. Уезжать не хотелось...

  • Marcelo Moraes

    Marcelo Moraes


    Warmfull bed and breakfast.Family place with excelent and fresh breakfast.I recomend.

  • en

    Andr A


    Rooms: The hotel was nice and small: there were only few rooms in it with a common kitchen/dining room. We liked our large, clean rooms. The small garden around was beautiful. We liked the French door. Location: The hotel was located in a very quiet place, separated from a quiet road with a channel and surrounded with field from other sides and surrounded with a small garden.. Service & facilities: Management and reception (the same one person - the only one person we saw working in the hotel) was very friendly. In spite of our arriving at a very late time, she offered us tea/ coffee with cakes. As a big plus, we were allowed to use all the facilities in the kitchen: fridge, microwave, plates, caps, etc. Moreover, we were able to make coffee/ tea with cakes any time we wanted. The Internet connection (free WiFi) was fast and stable. In the morning, the owner prepared breakfast at the time we requested. We liked the fruit salad and the orange juice.

  • nl

    Gerrit Zwaan


Logies in de buurt

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