De Harmonie in Edam

NederlandDe Harmonie


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🕗 openingstijden

94, Voorhaven, 1135 BT, Edam, Edam-Volendam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 299 371 664
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.5134199, Longitude: 5.0540078

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    DougAndDavi Bowen


    Nice location and friendly service

  • Kevin Arnolli

    Kevin Arnolli



  • Andrea Maestri

    Andrea Maestri


    Beautiful place. In a charming country. Very nice staff and great breakfast. Very clean rooms. We fell in love with this place.

  • David Å míd

    David Šmíd


    Where to begin. Everything was just great. We were surprised by our four-bed room - it consisted of a living room in the ground floor and two bedrooms and a bathroom in the first floor. This was so comfortable because we didn't disturb each other. There was nearly everything in the room, iron and coffee maker included. I have never experienced such a well equipped hotel room. The breakfast was excellent. The choice was not as wide as in big hotels but everything was great quality. The surroundings of the hotel are astounding. There's a channel in front of the hotel and Edam is such a beautiful and peaceful town. Amsterdam and other places are easily reachable by public transport, I recommend buying Amsterdam & Region Travel Ticket.

  • en

    nick glasius


    Had drinks they hired a band was good fun

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