De Aquarium Man in Amsterdam

NederlandDe Aquarium Man


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

124 E, Amstel, 1017 AD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 10684538
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3669283, Longitude: 4.8978113

opmerkingen 3

  • Studio Annamora

    Studio Annamora


    In the summer of 2019 with great pleasure, we started the collaboration with De Aquarium Man. Since then, with lots of Joy, we experience every day his piece of art. Not only he is extremely involved in the health of the fishes and the maintenance of the aquarium but he also has alway a fast response in case of a question or doubts. I can fully recommend his work and presence, you will have lots of pleasure for very long time! Anna Mora, studio owner.

  • Hanneke van Velden

    Hanneke van Velden


    The aquarium man, Peter Schoutens, has been helping me for years with the design, layout and maintenance of my aquarium and now also paludarium. I heartily recommend him. He is very experienced, knows a solution for everything and comes up with good ideas.

  • Rebekka ter Voort

    Rebekka ter Voort


    I would like to wholeheartedly recommend Peter. He has helped me tremendously with setting up and thinking along with the design and maintenance of the aquarium. Peter knows a lot about fish as well as about plants. My tank started up effortlessly and was well balanced almost immediately. To enjoy

Dierenwinkel in de buurt

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