De Amsterdamse Tandarts in Amsterdam

NederlandDe Amsterdamse Tandarts



🕗 openingstijden

112 O, Nieuwe Prinsengracht, 1018 VX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 625 7094
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3638939, Longitude: 4.9101209

opmerkingen 5

  • Jelmer Huisman

    Jelmer Huisman


    De Amsterdamse Tandarts is a really nice little practice at a beautiful location right next to the canal. Dentist Ai Lien is a very nice person and happens to be great at her job as well! Walked out feeling really satisfied having found my new dentist in Amsterdam!

  • Suzanne Berings

    Suzanne Berings


    I recently changed dentists and I'm so satisfied that I thought I'd share it here. The practice is very small so you can really count on personal treatment. My dentist is female. She is thorough and very friendly and clear. Always with a smile. I noticed her website is available in English and I assure you her English is fluent.

  • Charlotte Gerlach

    Charlotte Gerlach


    Professional, clean and caring. Being scared of the dentist for the past 32 years of my life it’s taking a bit of an effort to make my way to the dentist. This being the first time I had to be treated with a filling Dr. Ai Lien took wonderful care of me, didn’t rush and explained everything what’s happening. I felt in very good and professional hands and the treatment turned out not to be as painful and scary as expected. Lovely practice staff too and Covid-19 measures are followed with care - can highly recommend.

  • Marloes Beens

    Marloes Beens


    I have had several dentists in Amsterdam, but this is my favorite! A really personal approach, no long waiting lists. I am a happy patiënt :)

  • tamara anissa

    tamara anissa


    I have been going here for the past 8 months and I would say it has been a very pleasant experience. They really handle you professionally with care, but also efficient. Ai Lien really takes the time to carefully do thorough check and she has been very informative as well. I would recommend this place for anyone who really wants quality but efficient dentist work 😊

Tandarts in de buurt

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