Darley's Bed & Breakfast in Hilversum

NederlandDarley's Bed & Breakfast



🕗 openingstijden

18, Nieuwe Doelenstraat, 1211 CE, Hilversum, Hilversum, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 6 50241895
website: www.darleys.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2264547, Longitude: 5.1764597

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Lucas Brascamp


    The most charming host. Best kept secret accommodation. Love the place.

  • en

    Lindsay mathie


    Great location 5mins from the train and just off the main restaurant and bar area, and not noisy. The rooms themselves are excellent, Marielise is an superb host and everything is provided. We didn't book the breakfast option but could help ourselves to any food and drink in the kitchen. Bikes are also provided which was great for doing a bit of exploring. Very comfortable and clean, can't fault the place.

  • en

    Doug Jeynes


    Simply the best B&B. The host is such a lovely person. So helpful. The room is very well appointed. More of an apartment. The breakfasts are self serve and prepare, but the kitchen is so well stocked, I could have survived a week. Its very close to local transport,but limited for parking. But why bother driving when the station is so close. You even have use of a traditional Dutch bikes. Cant wait to go back.

  • Corrie De bruine

    Corrie De bruine


    Geweldige ontvangst, mooie complete kamer,geweldig ontbijt,dichtbij bij winkel gebied,en vooral het lieve meedenken van de Gastvrouw!!!Een extra pluim van de "voice"meiden ;-)

  • babelsky



    Het is een welverzorgde kamer met alle spullen die je nodig zult hebben. Alle dingen die je ziet zijn inbegrepen. J Kan er crashen en alleen kleding en een tandenborstel mee hebben en er nog een goede nacht hebben

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