Damso Korean Restaurant in Amstelveen

NederlandDamso Korean Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

88, Dorpsstraat, 1182 JG, Amstelveen, Amstelveen, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 640 1877
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.301411, Longitude: 4.8463115

opmerkingen 5

  • Tagir Fedotov

    Tagir Fedotov


    Best Korean food ever tried! I did not try a lot, but my colleagues, amongst whom are also Korean people, really love this place. Food can be spicy!

  • Michel Janssen

    Michel Janssen


    Gezellig, informeel, fijn personeel en last but not least. Heerlijk eten.

  • Hugo M. Nijhof

    Hugo M. Nijhof


    By far the best Korean restaurant in the Netherlands. Being closed on Saturday is a disappointment. High quality food, genuine Korean style, perfect value for the money. Skip the deserts. Try the Korean drinks too!

  • Pooja Dave

    Pooja Dave


    Lots of other koreans eating here, that was already a good sign. And they delivered. Very tasty, yummy side dishes that automatically come with the mains. Friendly and good service.

  • Florian Daniel Popescu

    Florian Daniel Popescu


    5 stars for having the most spiciest food we managed to find in Holland. (We tried every place bragging to have very spicy food in Amsterdam). The staff is very friendly and the food is very good. A lot of Koreans eating there so it makes you feel like in Korea :)

Restaurant in de buurt

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