Culture Boat | Coffeeshop & Seed Shop in Utrecht

NederlandCulture Boat | Coffeeshop & Seed Shop



🕗 openingstijden

206, Wittevrouwensingel, 3572 CE, Utrecht, Utrecht, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 30 205 9965
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.097153, Longitude: 5.127027

opmerkingen 5

  • judita nagyova

    judita nagyova


    Omg. Love at first sight. Beautiful place full of flowers and nice people and friendly staff. I stay at only weed smoking area and I loved it and come back again soon. Thank you for having me❤️

  • en

    Karim Marquette


    Ok you're floating on a boat in a canal in Utrecht. And the boat rocks just a teeny bit. Rolled joint € less than another place. All good. 🌈 March 2018: back for a month! I love Utrecht. And the sweet woman who works there remembered me from 6 months ago. How sweet is that?

  • Julian Chilibroste

    Julian Chilibroste


    Excelente producto

  • Loris Casalino

    Loris Casalino


    Super nice location! The price of the weed is a bit above the average, but it is compensated by its quality and the original place. Also the cappuccino I have tried is quite good and only for 2€! The minus point is that sometimes they have a lot of clients and not so many workers, so you have to wait a bit in the line before they serve you. I was there twice and my opinion is the same for both times. For sure it is suggested if you want to spend some time in a coffee shop with friends, in a particular location!

  • es

    David Martinez Fernandez


    Original coffeshop en un barco

Winkel in de buurt

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