Club Up in Amsterdam

NederlandClub Up


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🕗 openingstijden

26-1, Korte Leidsedwarsstraat, 1017 RC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 6985
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3638116, Longitude: 4.8836722

opmerkingen 5

  • Saturn Raveendra

    Saturn Raveendra


    Nice Club and very good music. The Dj‘s are amazing. Nice Location for make a party.

  • Billy B

    Billy B


    Paid 10 euros and was completely empty the whole night Avoid at all costs

  • Stanly



    For what I'm used to its quite small. We went on a ' house ' night which was in my opinion the same music for hours on end. No vocals and monotone, but thats just my opinion of house. Nice smoking/sitting area and free toilets. Lockers 2,- and entrance 11,- I didn't really like it but that could be because of the music

  • Tariq



    One of the "bigger" clubs in Amsterdam with two areas. Cool vibes all around no matter which night you visit the place. The only piece of advice I have, don't wear shoes you love. They serve a lot of stuff in glass which gets and scattered around all the time. Destroys your shoes. Apart from that it's a pretty cool place

  • Holly Marshgreen

    Holly Marshgreen


    went when riddims w/sticky situation were there and it was an awesome night. we were let in straight away without any hassle at all. the staff were really friendly and having as good a time as everyone else, dancing and singing. great atmosphere and pretty cheap too our tickets were €10 each and a round of drinks for 4 people was averaging at €18. was a great night would recommend!!

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