Club NL in Amsterdam

NederlandClub NL



🕗 openingstijden

169, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, 1012 RK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 7510
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.372096, Longitude: 4.891012

opmerkingen 5

  • Henna Kalola

    Henna Kalola


    Bouncer was very rude, too small place and too much people inside. Never coming back again.

  • Acqua5099



    Piccola discoteca dove NON puoi entrare se non hai ragazze

  • en

    Zoe Marcuzzi


    Nice security but didn't let me in because I was with three guy friends. On a Thursday. Let me just pay my entry with my friends and have a nice night.

  • en

    Tony Staiger


    What a surprise! We were looking for a local club playing house music that wouldn't be pretentious or full of tourists. This is exactly what we were hoping to find. Great music, met some locals, and had an all around great experience. It was similar to the club I frequent at home, but better. Come here for a great local experience and some great house music.

  • Emilio Gras

    Emilio Gras


    Un club muy acogedor con músicon tol rato, zona de funandores pero los cubatas cortos

Nachtclub in de buurt

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