Club 8 in Amsterdam

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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NederlandClub 8



🕗 openingstijden

56B, Admiraal de Ruijterweg, 1056 GL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 689 7806
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3712501, Longitude: 4.8619033

opmerkingen 5

  • Jennifer Schepens

    Jennifer Schepens


    Kind staff, enormous amount of tables, good vibes and great music! Will be coming here again. 👏

  • Amber Aroyo

    Amber Aroyo


    Very nice place. More than 20 pool tables on the location. Very spacious, super friendly staff. There are food and drink options at the bar. There are dart boards, pool tables and snooker tables.

  • Donal Ò Mearain

    Donal Ò Mearain


    What a place. What an adventure. Club 8 is one of the top places in Amsterdam to play pool and darts. I think what is better or different about this place is the staff and clientele. Other places nearby are frequented by less casual pool players. And the staff here are exceptional, offering table service. The prices are a bit more reasonable too. Great spot.

  • Bennyben



    Lovely place, nice tables & lovely staff. We out of their way when I was there a couple of weeks back & nice to get service with a smile!

  • Vincent Buijs

    Vincent Buijs


    It's a nice place! I used to come here a lot (every day) when it was a place were tournament players used to practice. I moved with them after the split up of the owners. But still it is a nice place to hang back. Sometimes I go back with a couple of the old guests for good old sakes

Nachtclub in de buurt

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