Claire in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

17, Rembrandtplein, 1017 CT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3665248, Longitude: 4.8966783

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Anisha Patel


    Interesting mix of old skool disco hits and house. Kitsch vibes. Plenty of balloon action. Also loved the mini room near the entrance with the dj who also made toasties.

  • Sellin Jérémy

    Sellin Jérémy


    Nice programation for House music, nice layout, Friendly staff, smokey room a bit tight, but well, second roo helps to breathe if yo feel to tight in the main room. 50cents the WC, WHY WHY? we already paid the entrance, top it up by 50cents if thats the problem, need to ask at the entrance a coin for locker (2e) and wc(50cents) Ridiculous nowadays. Keep up the good line up guys !

  • Fluorid Nascher

    Fluorid Nascher


    Waren an Silvester, war echt gut

  • en

    Sup Dawg


    One of my favorite clubs in Amsterdam! Great venue; a different look, very original decoration (which changes every once in a while; big ups for that, it makes it interesting to keep coming), good and diverse music programming (I like most but not all of it, but I guess that too makes it diverse hehe). The staff though.. they really deserve an award! Quite the best club staff I know actually

  • Veere



    Geweldig personeel! Ontzettend vriendelijk en behulpzaam, vooral Erik, die een vriendin van mij heel goed had geholpen toen zij op een avond erg ziek werd. Verder is het hele leuke plek met leuke muziek!

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