Cheesy Cakes (Cheesecake Shop) in Amsterdam

NederlandCheesy Cakes (Cheesecake Shop)



🕗 openingstijden

73, Utrechtsedwarsstraat, 1017 WD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3615614, Longitude: 4.899472

opmerkingen 5

  • Nicole Parise

    Nicole Parise


    Amazing! Tried for the first time today, will definitely go again. Owner and pastry chef was super sweet and very helpful picking out things to try ❤️

  • Fotos Georgiadis

    Fotos Georgiadis


    If you are looking for the best cheesecakes in town this is the place to be! Spiros, the chef, is pouring his heart into making delicious and quality cheesecakes. Spiros is very friendly and always willing to go the extra mile and explain how the cheesecakes have been made. Definitely worth dropping by for an unforgettable tasty treat!

  • Vilma Rae

    Vilma Rae


    Worth travelling from anywhere in the world to taste these cakes. Absolutely yummy! Can't wait to come back soon! X

  • Dimitris Pap.

    Dimitris Pap.


    We recently visited Amsterdam for a short vacation. We came across this hidden gem as we were exploring city. Best cheesecake we have ever tried! The owner was so friendly and caring to explain which made the whole experience something to remember from our trip! Thank you Spyros! Keep up the beautiful work!

  • Andrea Skapoulli

    Andrea Skapoulli


    hands down the best cheesecakes I've ever tried! Insanely delicious flavours each and every time. Spiros' passion and enthusiasm for his work really shows on the quality of his cakes! Make sure to pass by anytime you're around :)

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