CHANEL Amsterdam Store in Amsterdam

NederlandCHANEL Amsterdam Store



🕗 openingstijden

68, Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, 1071 CA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 305 3777
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3601208, Longitude: 4.8798686

opmerkingen 5

  • Jeroen Jonker

    Jeroen Jonker


    Was on a shopping trip with my girlfriend wanting to buy a Chanel bag, the moment we walked in and it was busy and we walked to the bag we liked next to the counter the gorilla doorman came to us like we were some children touching candies and we were not allowed to.. if we tending to spend a view thousand euros on a bag we don’t like gorillas doorman’s to humiliate us.. very bad experience get rid of this testosterone monkey!! This is not how you expect to be treated like going into some dark club! There are other luxurious brands and shops to enjoy spending money. Avoid this place like the teethe plague

  • Purple Moon

    Purple Moon


    A beautiful boutique, I sometimes shop at the boutique. But the sales-assistent Lorraine (old woman with glasses) is right up pretentious. She's always supercilious and arrogant. Because of that I never had a good shopping experience. Shame!

  • Adam Energy

    Adam Energy


    I guess just from customers service on the phone I will give it the worst review . Trash

  • imelizious



    I came in with a non fancy outfit. They treat me like I can't afford it. Only when I was positive to buy it then the sales associate's demeanor change to being sooo sweet. So fake. I was more impressed with chanel stores in Germany. The sales associates were so sincerely friendly.

  • en

    F.Q. Wu


    Visited yesterday and was assisted most helpfully by Dwight as I explored the options for small wallets/coin purses and finally (what I came to do) bought a pair of lovely ballerina flats. Guards did not look too friendly but greeted me nice enough when I entered and the other sales assistants were happy to answer my questions as my SA was readying my purchase. Will be back soon!

Juwelier in de buurt

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