Caressa Dierenkliniek 76 Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandCaressa Dierenkliniek 76 Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

76, Plantage Middenlaan, 1018 DJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 8567
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3643435, Longitude: 4.9174015

opmerkingen 5

  • Jaap van Dijk

    Jaap van Dijk


    We have had several visits to the clinic with our pup Elvis for check ups and vaccinations and have always received excellent care every time. The staff are super friendly, caring and professional and I would highly recommend them to any pet owner!

  • Lucia Borraccino

    Lucia Borraccino


    Whatever you do, do NOT use this vet clinic. I am shortly going in person to make an official complaint in the poor handling of my dog who died after very routine surgery. They were unprofessional, and had no follow up. They are supposed to be the experts and he was supposed to recover. They seemed to not know what they were talking about - when I questioned them - the vet said "I have been only working here a week" which has nothing to do with your ability or knowledge as a vert. Appalling service. Do not use.

  • O-ren Bil

    O-ren Bil


    Wonderful staff. Very committed . By life teetering situation I do recommend to go directly to DMC

  • Oscar Bourier

    Oscar Bourier


    A very good vet. Very involved with our litter and a friend to all animals.

  • Aby Silva

    Aby Silva


    Excellent service!! From the awesome front desk ladies to the amazing Dr. ! Thank you so much! Our dog was super happy and at ease, very professional, very loving and caring with our dog. 👌🏽

Veterinaire zorg in de buurt

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