Camping Vliegenbos Amsterdam i Amsterdam

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HollandCamping Vliegenbos Amsterdam



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138, Meeuwenlaan, 1022 AM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 636 8855
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.39058, Longitude: 4.9282678

kommentar 5

  • John F

    John F


    I stayed and it was very busy and very noisy through the evenings for the most part. Staff were very attentive and wonderful and did whatever they could do assist you . Restaurant and facilities are exceptional. I would be happy to visit again as it is a convenient and affordable way to stay in Amsterdam . Definitely 5 stars had I got more sleep

  • en

    milton gaspar


    Good place for camping. Close to the centre of the town but on the same time isolated. The staff was great, the toilets were always clean. On of the best cleaning i found during all the trip. The make amazing BBQ'S with great quality and ambience and actually cheaper than buying food on town, even the beer its good company there. In the end of the day one of the best camping i had in a long time :D

  • Charlotte Marie Music

    Charlotte Marie Music


    Amazing place! Incredible staff and only a short cycle away from the ferry to Amsterdam central station (bikes can be hired from the campsite). Would definitely love to visit again in the future.

  • Alex Grant

    Alex Grant


    Well run campsite. Good, clean facilities with plenty of hot water. Bus available to the city or take a 20 minute walk and get the free ferry.

  • en

    Tiina Pasanen


    Location excellent, toilets not so clean, ugly underpants left all over toilets. Staff was very kind and helpful. Nice bikes for rent. You can camp with tent, rent a cabin or come by caravan. Price was over 60€, so quite high for 2 adults and 4 kids.

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