Café Splif in Beverwijk

NederlandCafé Splif



🕗 openingstijden

8, Koningstraat, 1941 BD, Beverwijk, Beverwijk, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 251 226 340
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.4802437, Longitude: 4.654573

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Vali Pitic


    Nice place to relax. :)

  • Jeroen van den Bergh Den Dulck

    Jeroen van den Bergh Den Dulck


    This shop is good. Very nice atmosphere, and really a fantastic gothic lookin garden, where you 're allowed to smoke. The counter itself is a little big and very present. As a experienced user, i bought afgan, maroc, amnesia and cheese The afganistan hasj was not the best. Maroc was expensive but oke, The cheese was nice, and Amnesia was really fabulous and fantastic..

  • Wisse Wester

    Wisse Wester


    Always get great product nothing to complain about but the economic enslaving prices wich isnt their fault but our governments

  • pEf Alien

    pEf Alien


    Great place with good seating and excellent coffee. Personnel is always happy to help. Enjoy the music and relax.

  • Anne Jan Brouwer

    Anne Jan Brouwer


    Best coffeeshop in miles, both quality of drinks, drugs and atmosphere. Great people and relaxed hangout.

Cafe in de buurt

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