Café restaurant van Kerkwijk in Amsterdam

NederlandCafé restaurant van Kerkwijk



🕗 openingstijden

41, Nes, 1012 KC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 620 3316
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3715348, Longitude: 4.8937231

opmerkingen 5

  • Juan Garcia

    Juan Garcia


    Outstanding food with an exceptional service. This food had love in it! 5 well deserved stars

  • Sivan Padnos Caspi

    Sivan Padnos Caspi


    Best pear pie ever. Family business great servise wonderful rustic kitchen

  • Sk Ali Rubyat

    Sk Ali Rubyat


    Best Dutch restaurants I've tried in Amsterdam.. Good food with nice service persons with smiles.. The food are well cooked and delicious.. We've tried the beef, salmon and cod fish.. But loved the started with mussels most.. ❤️❤️

  • Perseas Christodoulidis

    Perseas Christodoulidis


    There was no menu, the waitress said she would tell us what they offer. In what restaurant you have no access to the menu? Then she refused to tell us what's on the menu before ordering drinks. One of us got the beef burger which was advertised as homemade but was obviously either precooked or from package. And it had too many spices which amost always is a red flag for quality.

  • Giwrgos Mistakidis

    Giwrgos Mistakidis


    I enjoyed every moment!! Friendly staff and excellent service! Food was excellent too! Tasty and fresh!

Restaurant in de buurt

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