Café De Toog in Amsterdam

NederlandCafé De Toog



🕗 openingstijden

142 hs, Nicolaas Beetsstraat, 1054 XV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 618 5017
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.362143, Longitude: 4.867723

opmerkingen 5

  • Rami Segal

    Rami Segal


    The place I would miss the most in Amsterdam. Makes you feel at home. Great host and amazing atmosphere. Would definitely come back.

  • The Insider

    The Insider


    Great place to chill in the sun. Very close to the park, but feels far from touristy. Great service and drinks.

  • IsmaĂ«l Auray

    Ismaël Auray


    Very nice café. Good local food.

  • Marta Bigio

    Marta Bigio


    Limited food options and we were asked to change table for a reservation that never happened. On the good side they have a good terrace to enjoy the sunny days.

  • Aquiles Carattino

    Aquiles Carattino


    Very good, neighborhood café. It has a very relaxed atmosphere, people was friendly and the music was also good. I couldn't try the food, but it looked very nice. The vibe was of people having a blast, celebrating and, importantly, there were no tourists.

Cafe in de buurt

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