Cafe De Groote Swaen in Amsterdam

NederlandCafe De Groote Swaen



🕗 openingstijden

52, Prins Hendrikkade, 1012 AC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL PaĂ­ses Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 428 6295
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3765364, Longitude: 4.8995333

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Purdey Robertson


    The bar is beautiful, dark wood and old nick nacks on the walls with a very cozy authentic atmosphere. Unfortunately the food was terrible. The worst food we have eaten in a long time. The meat was so dry we eventually hide it under our serviette to be polite not wanting to be 'those complaining people'. When it was time to pay the barman/waiter was so incredibly rude. He kept putting our card into the card machine the wrong way around and then getting very angry when it didnt work or when we tried to tell me he had it the wrong way. When he eventually succeeded in putting it in the right way there was no signal to the machine. When we asked if there was a atm close by that we could draw cash (my girlfriend remaining behind at the bar) he accused us of trying to run way without paying. It was the most unpleasant experience, his terrible attitude put a damper on our whole day coupled with the disgusting food really was a bad way to end a holiday. I would never go back to this bar. He was the only rude person i have met in the whole of Amsterdam and a shame on the service profession.

  • en

    Shirley Simon


    Wonderful hearty, Dutch pea soup, crusty bread, Noryh Sea shrimp cocktail, a la Dutch, with terrific coffee and desserts. Everything in the place was classy and well-prepared.

  • Jonathan Hooverman

    Jonathan Hooverman


    GemĂŒtliche, fast britische Pub-AtmosphĂ€re, Fisch-, Fleisch-, vegetarische Gerichte oder Salate, angemessene Preise

  • Roland Kölzer

    Roland Kölzer


    Sehr nett, fĂŒr Amsterdamer VerhĂ€ltnisse preiswert. Guter Rotwein, exzellenter Kaffee. Nette Bedienung, guter Ausblick auf den Bahnhof.

  • fr

    Olivier Noel


    Lieu pas bourré de touristes pas si loin de la gare centrale et du musée des sciences, avec vente de pancakes, glaces et évidemment boissons

Bar in de buurt

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