Café | Brasserie Internationaal Theater Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandCafé | Brasserie Internationaal Theater Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

26, Leidseplein, 1017 PT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 795 9995
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.363968, Longitude: 4.882302

opmerkingen 5

  • Erik Fransman

    Erik Fransman


    Nice place, outside very noisy because constantly trams are passing. Fairly expensive. Small beer without alcohol €5, two croquettes with two small slices of bread, €9.

  • whY2G



    The family popped by for just a quick top up. The place itself was very nice, as you expect for a theatre cafe. Staff were helpful when needed upon. Food was pretty good, everyone seemed to like what we ordered. All in all, good experience.

  • amsterdam appartment

    amsterdam appartment


    Nice atmosphere of the building but the food is grossly overpriced and limited. Impossible to order from the 'lunch' menu even after an hour past the time. We asked specifically if they had air conditioning before going and they assured us but of course they dont have it. Very dissappointing. The staff is also very rude: my friend had fish bitterbollen and there was a huge bone inside. When we pointed it to the waiter his reply was: luckily you didnt die! And of course we paid the full price for everything. The Dutch 'service' at its best!

  • seggysegaran



    Lovely building with a great atmosphere. Superb service.

  • Negin Bardaei

    Negin Bardaei


    We randomly went in and were impressed. Friendly staff, delicious food and on top of all massive portions. We came out with smiles on our faces.

Bar in de buurt

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