Cafe Bali in Alkmaar

NederlandCafe Bali



🕗 openingstijden

8, Houttil, 1811 PJ, Alkmaar, Alkmaar, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 72 220 2209
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.6321856, Longitude: 4.7503644

opmerkingen 5

  • Kaliel Aeolian

    Kaliel Aeolian


    Prepare for some very tasty Indonesian food closer to the center of Alkmaar. Fantastic service with very friendly servers, food was incredibly spicy when necessary and mild and soothingly sweet to relieve the sweat. Price what you would expect for the areav and portion size. Definitely would return if I lived nearby.

  • Jan Jouke Tjalsma

    Jan Jouke Tjalsma


    Enjoyed authentic Indonesian dishes here. Having visited the island Bali I would say that the flavours are spot on. Portion size is quite large which I find a plus. Prices are avarage but cheap if you consider portion size. The restaurant features some nice Indonesian decorations but not overly done. I would not recommend sitting close to the door as there can be quite a draft. All in all a place I will gladly revisit sometime soon to check out the rest of the dishes!

  • nl

    Berna Bakker


    Heerlijk gegeten!

  • Erik J. van Loon

    Erik J. van Loon


    Dit is goed ! Traditionele gerechten met een hoog genietpercentage. In de binnenstad dus betaald parkeren.

  • nl

    Lars Stuifbergen


    Superlekker, maar dan ook echt superlekker gegeten! Tafel stond vol met alleen maar heerlijke gerechten. Hier ga ik zeker nog eens naar toe.

Restaurant in de buurt

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