BVD Tweewielers De Cuyp BV i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandBVD Tweewielers De Cuyp BV



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161-Hs, Tweede Jacob van Campenstraat, 1073 XS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 470 1318
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.357076, Longitude: 4.896966

kommentar 5

  • Tom Bestebreurtje

    Tom Bestebreurtje


    Capable staff and clear communication about the price of repairs.

  • en

    Kelly Boender


    They fixed what was needed for a reasonable price

  • Alexander Haarlem

    Alexander Haarlem


    I went there last week to fix a tire of my bike and after they fixed it I could cycle for less than 30 minutes, because, unfortunately, problem was not solved. I came back and explained the situation: I paid for service and I would like my bike to be fixed. They were very kind and fixed it once again for free, but... I cycled again on my fixed bike only 30 minutes... I am a bit tired of this and I would never come back to them again. It could be unlucky chance once, but 2 days in a raw - I don't really think so...

  • en

    Amy Hunt


    Great service!

  • Daria Korniienko

    Daria Korniienko


    NEWER BUY/ REPAIR YOUR BIKE THERE!!The price I paid for my bike was 120 euros. They have a guarantee for 1 month. But exactly after 1 month everything started to fell apart. I have my bike already for 1 year and 2 month and i use it not more often that once a week!During this time it was broken like 10 times( chain was broken many times, dynamo, and stand were broken few times). Their fixing job is also very bad,my dinamo and a chain that they fixed, was just broken very fast again. And for everything I have to pay! I feel like they should give me back at least the half of the price I paid for my bike. But the aggressive lady, which is working there, behaves like it's my own fault that I paid to little money for my bike! Ridiculous!! What a WAIST OF MONEY AND TIME.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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