Burgermeester | de Jordaan in Amsterdam

NederlandBurgermeester | de Jordaan



🕗 openingstijden

130, Elandsgracht, 1016 VB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 287 4377
website: www.burgermeester.eu
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3691845, Longitude: 4.8788526

opmerkingen 5

  • B. Z.

    B. Z.


    The food is ok, like the seasoning, but the paddy feels a bit dry and not of a lot of meat flavor. Like the idea of home made ketchup but it is a bit too runny and lack of richness (more like diluted tomato sauce, not even a purée). Friendly staff!

  • Sjak o

    Sjak o


    Good long-standing business. When they first opened, upscale burger joints were new. Now of course there are three on every street.... Nice place, good burgers if a little overseasoned with pepper. Can be slow (understaffed...)

  • Seba W

    Seba W


    Fantastic burgers! Deliciously grilled (in my case medium-rare) and their low-carb versions are highly recommendable. Solid five stars. Thanks guys!

  • Fiorella Vasi

    Fiorella Vasi


    These burgers are one of the best in the city! I love the quality of the bread, the sauces, and the forest fruit smoothie was one to remember :)

  • Majd Kabalan

    Majd Kabalan



Restaurant in de buurt

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