BUFFET van Odette in Amsterdam

NederlandBUFFET van Odette



🕗 openingstijden

598, Prinsengracht, 1017 KS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 423 6034
website: www.buffetvanodette.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3623405, Longitude: 4.8890773

opmerkingen 5

  • John Calhoun

    John Calhoun


    Upper class place in posh neighborhood. Always busy with que outside better book on advance. Interesting menu. Quality ingredients.

  • underr r

    underr r


    Slow service, average, VERY overpriced food. You can eat much better in Amsterdam.

  • Giancarlo Acciavatti

    Giancarlo Acciavatti


    WAIT TO BE SEATED! I have been waiting, waiting for 12' standing at the entrance door, restaurant and terrace were not full nor there were guests in line in front of me. Odette, the bar man, the waitresses ( except one that greeted me ) no-one acknowledged me instead they looked, looked away, looked back and looked away again and continued with their doings. Not a good feeling at all so after 12' of being completely ignored, I walked away and met my friends somewhere else, likely there is a bunch of restaurants minutes away to choose from. Amsterdam is world renown for its beauty but sadly not for its customer focus service and not even the corona crises that badly hit the ho.re.ca. in 2020/21 seems to have contribute to improve service.

  • Mjeed S

    Mjeed S


    Good 👍🏻

  • Jason Channel

    Jason Channel


    Very nice shop Even you pass for toilet you dont need to pay anything Good service i like this shop 5 stars for you

Bar in de buurt

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