bSbK events in Amsterdam

NederlandbSbK events



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
1, Pedro de Medinalaan, 1086 XK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 20 893 4205
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.36388, Longitude: 4.977787

opmerkingen 1

  • Andries Bautista

    Andries Bautista


    This #e3event gave me some very good insights about Content and Personal Branding and I had the ability to connect with a lot of open people! Me and my partner arrived a bit earlier and there was a warm welcome from Sun & Myra. We had the opportunity to talk to the speakers (Timi Stoop Acala & Greet Bunnens) before they presented, which was nice! Even though I have a background in Content & Communication, it was very useful to me to see what kind of changes and shifts there have been. It also made me realise “Hey, you’ve done this, why are you not using this yet for your own business?” Good vibes, great insights and very nice people! I highly recommend other people, whatever your business or occupation might be, to join the next #e3events!

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