Bruna in Den Haag




🕗 openingstijden

536, Fahrenheitstraat, 2561 DJ, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 70 361 5615
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.0788838, Longitude: 4.2689778

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Wim Schipper


    Gezellige ruime winkel waar je wel moet slagen voor een.goed boek. Goed geholpen aan de balie. Drukke winkelstraat. Parkeren moeilijk. Kan vaak wel op Thomsonlaan.

  • nl

    Leen Pattikawa


    Ze hadden geen zak agenda,s meer en kregen ze ook niet meer binnen balen.

  • en

    Fleur Fleur


    Very friendly staff. My 3yo daughter had to use the bathroom (somehow) not once but twice during our 20 min visit. She was allowed to use the staff restroom without any hesitation. Still very grateful for that! Staff is also very knowledgable about the items they stock. I asked for an obscure gardening magazine and they knew they didn't have it anymore but gave me a tip about another similar magazine that turned out to be even better. They also ordered a selection of obscure gardening books they let me select from a catalog (without requesting that I buy any of them). I ended up buying 2/3 that were both wonderful.

  • Tristan Marsman

    Tristan Marsman


    Extremely helpful staff. They also accept parcels for return to postnl which is nice but also often quite busy. The book collection is quite complete with a corner for kid's books to buy (no playing corner). They also sell office appliances and gift cards.

  • nl

    Shailin Bisseswar


    Aardige personeel. Denk met de klant mee. Ik vroeg om een bepaald type kalender. Medewerker is gaan zoeken en heeft opties voorgelegd waaruit ik een goede keuze kon maken. Goede combinatie van stenen en webwinkel. Winkelindeling nodigt uit om binnen te stappen.

Boekwinkel in de buurt

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