Boutique Hotel La Belle Vue in Amsterdam

NederlandBoutique Hotel La Belle Vue



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
Raadhuisstraat 37-II, 1016 DC Amsterdam, Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 779 5560
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.373444, Longitude: 4.88635

opmerkingen 5

  • it

    Roberta Calabrese


    Un'esperienza orribile! Camera piccolissima e con un odore orribile proveniente dal bagno. Sporcizia ovunque e scale ripidissime fino al 5 piano. Abbiamo pagato quasi 400 euro per due notti e ci aspettavamo molto di più. Non ci tornerò sicuramente è uno dei posti peggiori in cui sono stata.

  • maría Ponsiglione

    maría Ponsiglione


    La ubicación en muy buena, pero no te avisan que son cuatro pisos por una escalera que ni siquiera entra el pie y muy empinada, y por supuesto la tiene que subir uno. Además el primer día teníamos toallon y toallas cada uno, los demás días una sola por persona. El personal es amable

  • kristy Hernandez

    kristy Hernandez


    I booked this place, and tried to cancel it even though there is a cancellation fee. If you read the reviews from here and other sites, people have said this place has bed bugs. That should be more than enough reason for me to be allowed to cancel with no fee. DO NOT BOOK WITH THIS HOTEL. It's a ripoff.

  • pl

    Kuba Gałęzowski


    Hujnia z patatajnią, tylko nasrać i jeża wpuścić.

  • en

    Phyllis Minor


    Great location. Overpriced hotel. The hotel is located above the stores, and the only entrance was a narrow thirty-seven step stairway to the floor of the hotel. The pictures on the website are deceptive. When we arrived, my son’s room had a roll of toilet paper propping open the window to air it out. The room was freezing (February), and it did not get warmer because the hotel clerk could not get the heater to work. We had ice inside the windows of our room. Thank goodness there were thermal lined curtains. The bright side is that we could keep beverages cool by placing them on the window sills. There were blood spots on the duvet in my room. We told the clerk, but the spots were still there, hidden by the bed scarf after the maids made the bed the next day. We overheard a clerk give a caller a rate of 79 Euros, but they would not budge on our price. We paid nearly twice that amount. There were no balconies or beautiful open stairway as in the pictures. One of the clerks went to the “other building” to get some towels, so maybe the architectural features mentioned above were there. We do not recommend this hotel. There must be something better for the price we paid.

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