Bordwalser Hotel in Wormer

NederlandBordwalser Hotel



🕗 openingstijden

1, Bordwalserstraat, 1531 RK, Wormer, Wormerland, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 75 642 2503
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.490926, Longitude: 4.804638

opmerkingen 5

  • Markus Schnell

    Markus Schnell


    Der äußere Schein des hotels trügt. Von innen sieht das Hotel sehr gemütlich aus, die Zimmer sind sauber und geräumig. Sehr nette und hilfsbereite Gastgeber.

  • en



    Don't do it! The hostess is very weird. When we had breakfast the morning we where leaving, she got the stuff out of the trashcan from the room we where staying and put it on the table 😐 when we told here we didn't want to take that stuff with us(among it an empty beer bottle) she just left it there and said she didn't want to throw it away. Ow and you have to specify the breakfast you want in detail the day before. So if you want a slice of bread, coffee, orange juice. She will be asking. We took an egg and she mentioned it to us, saying ow then I have to cook 2 more. She watches your steps as well. So do yourself a favor and spend an extra buck. You will thank me later.

  • Karthik Somayaji

    Karthik Somayaji


    Loved it. Peaceful location and a beautiful town

  • en

    Chris Bruin


    I only deliverd a package at the hotel. So i can't tell anything about the rooms or the service. But the location was perfect. About 1 kilometer away from the treinstation.

  • Francoise de Reus

    Francoise de Reus


    Mooie kamer..ontbijt was goed..vriendelijke behulpzame ontvangst...mooie badkamer, miste in badkamer extra plankje voor spullen te zetten en stoel om kleding op te was wel zeer oud ding! met zeer slechte kleuren en trillend beeld.

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