BOB Autowas Schiedam in Schiedam

NederlandBOB Autowas Schiedam



🕗 openingstijden

412, 's-Gravelandseweg, 3125 BK, Schiedam, Schiedam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 462 1800
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9282065, Longitude: 4.4024162

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Roy Flint


    Super carwash! The complete works for under 30. Make sure the clutter is out of your car already for best results (They won't clean or vaccum around items, but if all the books and crannies are clutter free, they do a good job). Free unlimited vaccum stations with wash let you get whatever was missed..

  • Ramesh Sital

    Ramesh Sital


    Great experience and service. I have a unlimited plan for these car wash experts. Everytime I drive by this place, I'll take my car to it to treat it to its well deserved luxury treatment!

  • LaTiNo Diaz

    LaTiNo Diaz


    The place to wash your car in the region. Guys and girls who work there are nice, they helped me out when i locked myself out of my car 🤣

  • en

    Mischa Boender


    A bit on the expensive side, but definitely worth the money. Car's inside and outside almost as good as new.

  • Yvonne Wezelenburg

    Yvonne Wezelenburg


    Always friendly and quick. Love that they do outside and inside cleaning of my car 😁

Carwash in de buurt

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