Bo-Rent Amsterdam, Spaklerweg in Amsterdam-Duivendrecht

NederlandBo-Rent Amsterdam, Spaklerweg



🕗 openingstijden

69, Spaklerweg, 1114 AE, Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, Ouder-Amstel, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 665 6556
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.327623, Longitude: 4.9287717

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Tardi Gradez


    I hate to complain.... but when is 3rd time I recieve car like this! Sort out your car cleaning system otherwise I love Bo-Rent !!!

  • M Z.

    M Z.


    Bad service, no manners. Telephone operators have no patience and respect.

  • en

    Manos Christodoulakis


    The worst service ever!! I do not know about Bo-rent in general but stay away from this specific location. I rent a van which I used it to transfer a couch. The whole procedure took me 2 hours and I did 30 Km in total before I return the car back. Of course before I return the car I stopped in a gas station to fill it up as they told me to do. Next morning I receive an email says that there were missing 2lt of gas from the gas tank and that they will keep 13 euros (10euro penalty plus 3euro the gas) for this reason!! I called them immediately and explained them that I had filled the car up with gas 1 Km before I leave it and I have the receipt for that and everything. I also explained that the gas pump clicked twice in my hand when I was filling up the car so there was not any chance to left it with 2 lt less gas! After all I made 30Km in total!!! This non-Dutch guy told me I don know and I don't care there were 2lt missing and it is not my problem and bla bla bla....Firstly if they have a digital thing that shows the exact amount of gas in the tank why they did not show me the exact amount before I get the car? Secondly how am I suppose to know if there is 1 or 2 lits less gas in the car as the only way I have to check it is in the car and with the gas pump that will clicked when the car is full!! I told him that I want to send an email and of course he told me who cares sent an email because bo-rent doesn't have headquarters probably...every location is autonomous, so he would be the recipient of the email!! I did try though but I never received an answer!! I am not sure if I will use their service again and if I will it will not definitely be from this specific spot in Duiventrecht!!

  • en

    Alex Deda


    Was quick, cheap and efficient. if the people working there can learn a bit more how to talk to the clients that would be even better.

  • Kristina Nyberg

    Kristina Nyberg


    Their competitive pricing means nothing when the guy servicing doesn't look me (who pays) in the eye even once, is rude to my (male) companion and doesn't make clear how the borg (deposit) will be refunded. We were there close to closing time, but if that's the reason to be rude then perhaps they should review opening hours or rental rules instead of taking it out on us.

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