Bershka in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

22, Kalverstraat, 1012 PD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 702 0560
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.371976, Longitude: 4.8918645

opmerkingen 5

  • Odysseas Herodotou

    Odysseas Herodotou


    kind of understaffed but still cool clothes

  • Andra Lupea

    Andra Lupea


    Nice staff, very friendly.

  • Svetlana Kredentsar

    Svetlana Kredentsar


    Yes, now i aslo want to shere my expiriense about client service!!! This is lockdown now and we can order only online and return only by POSTNL. SO before i odered i have read 3 times how to return and was nothing about printing label ( i check becouse i knew that it can be problem). Even had chat with client service. So, when i decided to return they sent me barcode that i need to print.But problem is that nor everybody has a printer and lockdown does not help in it. I asked 4 PostNL arround if they can print.They said NO. In client service I was told that no other ways to return... but means BERSHKA force me to keep what I dont need. @) min chating with clientservice and they just closed the chat. This is even mot 1 star this is -10

  • Florian 1900

    Florian 1900


    This is the worst shop in amsterdam unfriendly staff. I have never experienced anything like that, this would not be accepted in another shop they shut close this bad shop better 👍

  • Cinnebun



    Worst customer service ever. They say they will fix a problem, but after visiting a Bershka store, it turns out the problem has not been fixed. After calling again, suddenly they refuse to help with said problem. Nothing has been solved and they wasted a lot of my time.

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