Benhousing in Rotterdam




🕗 openingstijden

Jonker Fransstraat 92a-94a, 3031 AW Rotterdam, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 204 0661
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.945389, Longitude: 4.479326

opmerkingen 5

  • Cristina Yon

    Cristina Yon


    Rude staff. Unresponsive- you have to call them 100 times before they even begin to help you. It does the job but if possible go somewhere else. They dont care about their small clients and just avoid you.

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    Janko Stellaard


    Poor service, waiting for a repair for 2 months already. After contacting them multiple times a week, they still didn't offer a solution. Not directly their fault (houseowner doesn't respond to their messages) but the way this problem is handled very poorly from their side.

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    Marc Liebermeister


    Fantastic experience, the best rental agency in the Netherlands!

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    Georgios Kapoutsos


    Ben Housing was really helpful to our case and me and my girlfriend highly recommend them!! We had some remarks about one issue of our new contract and they happily created extra documentation and covered all our concerns! Thanks a lot! :D

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    Matt Holmes


    Awful Company. Mostly lists apartments that are unavailable and in order to view the, very few, apartments that can actually be rented, you must pay the 50 Euro admin fee. Be careful, Benhousing are not to be trusted and have tried to rip us off.

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