Belushi's in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

129, Warmoesstraat, 1012 JA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 1380
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.373925, Longitude: 4.89635

opmerkingen 5

  • Radka Kotouckova

    Radka Kotouckova


    One of my fav places in A'dam, with nice terrace and friendly staff. They have a happy hour and tasty food&snacks 👌

  • ana



    Fabulous food, coffee and amazing drinks with the most friendly service. Thanks Gino and Alan for the great traveling tips! (I also felt safe with the corona mesures.)

  • Glebs Zaharevskis

    Glebs Zaharevskis


    Was there on a Tuesday afternoon and the service was great! Lots of space, pool tables, and some of the best fries I've ever had. Very inviting place overall. The only thing I would upgrade are the menus, seeing a standard paper printed A4 sheet was a little underwhelming.

  • Leila Lalimi

    Leila Lalimi


    Went there on a tuesday night and it was great. We couldn't stay long but it was enough to fall in love with the place... Lot of space, staff super nice, had a Bourbon sour which was real nice !! This is gonna be my "go to bar" in Amsterdam !!!

  • Phil Kennedy

    Phil Kennedy


    Friendly staff, cheap drinks and food (which is delicious). All the amenities you could want in a bar in amsterdam. Would recommend.

Bar in de buurt

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